Similar words: retrospect, retrospective, retrospection, introspect, introspective, introspection, prospect, prospector.
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61. Likewise, not having raised a single cent in campaign money seems, in retrospect, a mistake.
62. In retrospect it now seems that both camps were barking up the wrong tree.
63. In retrospect, Reed's exit from the NBA last year may be the beginning of the agreement's demise.
64. When we recall the past, we usually find that it is the simplest things - not the great occasions - that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness. Bob Hope
65. In retrospect he criticized one of his old drawing masters for encouraging students to copy from photographs.
66. Have you ever tried to reach a summit when in retrospect you've realised that the conditions were too dangerous?
67. We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect. Anais Nin
68. Fans, in general, do not want to read about the sport in retrospect.
69. In retrospect, he stands out as a reformer of Hinduism( retrospect.html), somewhat like Buddha.
70. It seems in retrospect that the Task Force in Merseyside was driven by Heseltine's particular vision of urban regeneration.
71. In retrospect what Riffaterre and Jakobson have in common seems more striking than their disagreements.
72. In retrospect I would not choose a boot with such a low-cut ankle again.
73. Even the digression up to Cajamarca now seemed in retrospect more like an adventure than something to send shivers down the spine.
74. Such incidents were not always so funny at the time, though[], in retrospect we always had a good laugh.
75. In retrospect this complaint seems ludicrous, like criticizing tractors because they do not require oxen.
76. If only in retrospect, it must have seemed to him idyllic, a kind of personal Eden.
77. There would seem in retrospect to have been two primary reasons.
78. Chick said Saturday, adding that in retrospect, the focus on HMOs alone was too narrow.
79. In retrospect, that campaign looks like his last hurrah.
80. In retrospect it was a nightmare.
81. In retrospect the studio appears unforgivably tardy.
82. In retrospect all successful policies seem preordained.
83. In retrospect it may seem odd.
84. In retrospect it had never been a good plan.
85. One's school life seems happier in retrospect than in reality.
86. MapReduce is, in retrospect, obvious to anyone who remembers from their 6.001-equivalent programming class that purely functional programs have no side effects and are thus trivially parallelizable.
87. In retrospect, an Apple partition map is a very reasonable thing for a PowerPC Linux box to hold.
88. In retrospect, I might have been somewhat overenthusiastic, but I did succeed in making a number of students (non-Indians) arrange a trip to India at the end of the year.
89. The debate seems, in retrospect, to have been fixed from the beginning.
90. Now, given that, it might seem tempting in retrospect to conclude that the Plaza Accord was a bad idea.
More similar words: retrospect, retrospective, retrospection, introspect, introspective, introspection, prospect, prospector, prospectus, prospective, spectroscope, spectroscopic, electromagnetic spectrum, in return, in return for, prosper, prosperous, prosperity, retro, aspect, respect, specter, inspect, spectre, suspect, retrovirus, retrogress, retrograde, spectrum, retroactive.